Elm Metrics

Hi! I'm Vince. I'm the general counsel at UpGuard, a B2B cybersecurity company. I was previously associate general counsel at Coursera (NYSE: COUR) where I led several teams, including the B2B SaaS contracting team pre- and post-IPO.

I love metrics and legal operations. I'm certain that being data oriented is a key part of creating a highly-effective, empathetic in-house legal team. To that end, I'm working on writing up and sharing the "what", "why", and "how" of metrics that have been helpful to me. I hope they are helpful to you too.




If you're interested in metrics or legal ops, have anything that I can learn from, or trying to figure out how to implement them for your team, please reach out. I'd love to chat.

Send me an email at vince@ this domain with the subject line `Elm Metrics`.